How to Take care CircZle?

Keep the CircZle dust-free
by using a damp cloth
to whip it down.

Make sure to set a timer and take breaks when you're stuck on CircZle to for long.

Store the CircZle's pieces securely when not in use, in a cool dry place with NO moisture or in a puzzle vault.

Invite Friends over, and boost your collaboration and Social skills.

Post, Celebrate and share your achievement once you finish the CircZle.

Frame and label your masterpiece using our CogZart Puzzle Saver with the date and time for future glory.
Things to Avoid

Don't forget to use a dry cloth to whip down your CircZle in the event of spills or splashes.

Don't force a CircZle's piece where it doesn't belong. Follow our undo wrong piece guide here if you still do end up stuck

Don't puzzle yourself on
how to dismastment it. Follow the guide here to avoid jigsaw disaster.

Don't allow your pet to mistake he CircZle's piece for a chew toy.

Don't try to eat the CircZle's piece; they may look tasty but they're not meant for consumption.

Don't use your CircZle as a circle for your drinks, unless you have already applied our Cogzart Puzzle protector and Cogzart puzzle saver on it.